April 21 - 23 Camp Whitsett
For some service we will do for the camp, we have the whole camp to ourselves. We we will have access to the water front, rifle range, mountain bikes, and pretty much the whole place. And I hear we can sleep in the staff cabins, not the tents!
May 6 -7
Merit badge camporee by High Desert District at Horsemans center in Vicotrville. If you want to earn some badges, we will make sure you get here.
May 13 -14
Stake Aaronic Priesthood Father and Son's campout. Probably at Mojave Narrows. Bro J is doing breakfast. Come on out! For all fathers and sons, not just scouts.
May 20 - 21
Rock Climbing at Boy Scout Rock
Just like last year with all the ropes and equipment and instructors.
June 13 - 18
Scout camp at Lake Powell
Badges in the morning, water sports in the afternoon.
10 mile backpack in, 2 days of swimming and exploring, then 10 miles out.
Hard work, but well worth it.
August 4 - 6
Tuolumne meadows to Yosemite falls trail into the valley.
It comes down just to the left of that falls... trust me.
I believe this is about 10 total miles in three days... the second day is just swimming and playing on the slick-rock streams. Hike in day one, play day two, hike down the falls trail to the valley day three.